Below you will find either a link to take you to the registration platform, or you will already be there. You will know you are there if you see the icons for all of the registrations that are currently open. Once you are on the Registration platform, follow these steps: - Choose:" FALL RECREATIONAL AND HOMESCHOOL CLASSES Sep 9th - Nov 18th, 2024" - Read through the important information that is at the top. It is long, but very valuable information (including information on payment and refunds) - scroll to the class that you are looking for - click the drop down to choose the days that this class is offered - click the drop down to find all the times offered that day - Once you have the class day and time you are looking for, click the blue square, above the class price, to add your child to the class. - The system will guide you through the rest. Please make sure that you set up the account with the parent as the account owner, and the child registering in the class. Please note that the "Gymnastics Saskatchewan 2024-2025/Active Start Gymnast or Recreational Gymnast fee" is mandatory. The fee will be added on to your invoice at time of registration. It must be paid prior to your athlete starting their gymnastics class. If you have already paid this fee, the online system will not charge it on the final invoice.
Please remember to bring your Assumption of Risk Waiver, links below, to your first class if it is your first registration of the year.
Please note the following before coming to your first class. Be sure to dress appropriately. (ie. shorts, t-shirt, bodysuit - no zippers, buttons, snaps, jewelry or dresses) Please have long hair pulled back in a ponytail or braids. ALL FOOTWEAR MUST BE REMOVED AT THE DOOR. A water bottle is needed. We now have a water bottle refueling station. You should NOT enter the gym if you are feeling ill. Please be sure to bring in your Assumption of Risk Waiver to your first class (see links below) This waiver is required once per year - between Sepetmeber and August. Under 18 18 and older We look forward to you joining us! Come Play With Us!!