Friday 9:30 am - 11:30 am September 13, 2024 through May 30, 2025 Preschool Drop in does not run during school breaks. The calendar on the homepage has the dates drop in will and will not be running. At this time, we cannot guatantee that there will not be other dates that we will not be able run drop in.
Fees Drop in fee: $5.00 Gym Sask fee: $48.00/ child paid on first visit. The fee must be paid for any child who is on the floor and moving. This is transferable if you have paid in class already or have purchasesd it at another club.
Preschool drop in is perfect for children 5 and under who need to burn off some energy! The kids will be able to freely run, jump and play in our huge indoor, padded playground. This is not a structured class. There will be a coach supervising, but not leading. Parent, guardian or another adult must accompany child(ren) at all times - staying within reach of the child(ren).
You will need to purchase your GymSask fee on your first visit if you have not yet purchased it through a class registration. GymSask fees will be required for children who are on the floor moving (scooting, crawling, walikng running jumping....) or one year old - whichever comes first. There will be forms to fill out on your first visit. You can find them below if you want to fill them out prior to coming. Trampolines are available, however the mats must stay on them (they are still really bouncy). There is no flipping on the trampoline.
You will be given a few rules and guidelines on your first visit.
Preschool Drop in does not run during school breaks. At this time, we cannot guatantee that there will not be other dates that we will not be able run drop in.